Wednesday, May 23, 2012

my smile list

A few things that have put a smile on my face...

1. new floors! and some other diy home improvement we've been able to finally get around to
2. T's super speedy fast crawl when he sees me coming to redirect him when he's heading for things like the stairs, power tools (from all the house improvement going on), and dog food bowls
3. playing Logo Quiz together in bed on Dj's phone after our scriptures and prayers
4. pesto and tomato omelet for breakfast
5. how proud little man gets at understanding you when you ask for "kisses"
6. memorial day weekend with the Noas!
7. blackberry smudged cheeks/hands/forehead/chest after snack time
8. bits of blackberries in the tub after said snacktime
9. finding new books to read like thisthis, and this. (some people think self help books are lame but I kinda think they rock. and I'm kinda on a self-help book streak right now so it works)
10. dinner dates with my grandpa,mom, and Dj (and baby T of course!)

ps. I've gotten out of the habit of toting my camera around with me everywhere sans the lack of pictures on my posts, but I will make up for it I promise.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

a few of my favorite perks of having a little one

- the constant stash of teddy grahams and gold fish I seem to always have with me
- watching Disney movies and being reminded of how awesome they are
- slobbery runny-nosed kisses all day
- always having a snuggle buddy with you
- how mundane tasks like dishes, laundry, and dog walking suddenly seem like a party

This weekend we (or more Dj and his dad) finished our hardwood floors, I painted the guest bedroom, and had a long overdue date night consisting of In-N-Out and a Judd Apatow movie (shocker :) ). I'll  be busy getting our house ready this weekend for Memorial Day weekend with the Noas. Can't wait to reunite Miss Jayla and T again!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

travel lust

I've been bitten by the travel bug. I find myself looking up flights to places like Paris, Puket, and Sydney when I'm supposed to be paying the bills...whoops! With Arizona's fast approaching summer weather it's hard not to dream of foreign locales when you spend your days alternating between swimming and being where ever has ample air conditioning. Here's a few places I'm dying to visit:

I've wanted to go to Germany ever since I was a little girl and would hear stories of when my mom lived there. (And I think the German language would be fun to speak considering it kinda sounds like your hacking at the end of every word)

I heard everything in Thailand is pretty dirt cheap. Cheap as in you can vacation like a rock star on a decent budget. And it doesn't hurt that Thailand has some of the greenest (in a good way) water I've ever seen.

Why Paris? Why not's Paris!

I might be the only person who could never be annoyed of the sound of bagpipes. (True story, when I was in high school there used to be a guy that would practice bagpipes every Saturday morning on the soccer fields and I'd hear him while I was leaving early morning volleyball workouts. It was like having a real life life soundtrack. It was awesome.) I also picture everyone in Scotland to be wearing red plaid shirts which is making me consider that visiting Scotland might be more mandatory since my idea of the country seems majorly skewed...

Where are you dying to go?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my insta-life lately

 If you want to follow me on instagram my username is leireyn

Saturday, May 12, 2012

happy mothers day!

Happy mothers day weekend to this beautiful woman! No one is more caring, more selfless, more nurturing, more patient, more hard working, more spontaneous, and more faithful than you are. For all the encouragement and support given, the sacrifices you've made, the volleyball games/practices/tournaments/camps you've driven me too, all the fun family vacations you've planned, all the hours you've worked, all the surprise trips you took to Utah when I was a college freshman having a hard week, all the meals you've cooked, all the last minute babysitting of Talis you've happily agreed to, and the infinitely long list of everything else you've done and continue to do for me. I love love love you!

And a shout out to my awesome mother in law who in my opinion did a fantastic job at raising a gentleman of a son :). Happy mothers day to all you mothers, soon-to-be mothers, and future mothers out there! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

uninspired Wednesday

Where do I even begin. It's been about a week and a half since my last post and frankly it's because of the housing situation going on around here. We decided to undertake some home renovations (okay so it was more me continually saying "lets get new flooring! lets get new flooring!) and living in your house WHILE you are doing large amounts of renos blows, especially with a curious little baby who insists on crawling around in the construction zone. I literally have been waking up every morning the past week and fleeing the house after feeding Talis his breakfast. It's like everywhere I turn in our house is a mess. So I'm left feeling uninspired, stressed, and ready for the floors to be done. This is what our downstairs looks like right now. Appliances askew, piles of mess everywhere, and lots and lots to be done. 

Does a messy house stress you out and put you in a bad mood as much as it does me?